The Interior architect & designer imagines our living spaces for today and tomorrow

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Inhabiting science fiction

Conference at the Ecole Camondo

December 13th, 2016

Ecole Camondo, 266 Bld Raspail 75014, Paris, France - La Passerelle, plateau 3 - 3eme étage.

As part of our research seminar  “Ambiances pour habiter” (“Atmospheres for a living” – TN.), dedicated to ‘the Imaginaries and their multiplicity’, the Ecole Camondo has invited Sociology PHD Frédéric Lebas, member of the CEAQ- La Sorbonne (Centre d’Etudes sur l’Actuel et le Quotidien), lecturer at the Université Paris Descartes, and at the OMNSH (Observatory of Digital Worlds in Human Sciences).

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