The Interior architect & designer imagines our living spaces for today and tomorrow

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Camondo School open house in Paris and Toulon 2024



February 2 & 3, 2024

February 2, 2024 / 3pm – 8pm
February 3, 2024 /11am – 6pm

Come and discover the training in interior architecture and design offered by the Camondo school, with presentations of the latest work produced by our students during workshops, exhibitions of graduation projects, photographs, drawings, models, video projections, installations, scenography, meetings and conferences, enabling you to appreciate the diversity of our productions.

The entire Camondo team in Paris and Toulon, including teachers, the educational department and students, will be delighted to present the school and exchange ideas with you.

Register and attend the school’s open house.


  • Presentation of the school by the directors on Saturday February 3 at 11:30 am and 3 pm.

You can also find the school on for remote meetings, in French and English, scheduled for January, February and March 2024.

Orientation non prise en charge

Pour une meilleure expérience,
veuillez tourner votre appareil en mode portrait.