The Interior architect & designer imagines our living spaces for today and tomorrow

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“Scenographic architectures”


30 March 2023

Camondo Library, 266, Boulevard Raspail 75014 Paris

As part of the research seminar “Usages et Ambiances pour Habiter” and the programme “Scène, performances, théâtralités“, Laure Fernandez presents :

“Scenographic architectures”

Guest: Rafaël MAGROU

6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Borrowing the term from Jacques Gaulme (1985), the intervention around “scenographic architectures” envisages surveying the territory at the intersection of the scales of the scenic setting and the scenography of live performance. It is a question of questioning the meeting between the perennial and the ephemeral, in an attempt to identify the way in which the scenic tool can or must meet the expectations of the creators of shows. It is also an opportunity to understand how the latter seize theatrical spaces in order to establish the room-stage relationship corresponding to their conception, by seeking the (ad)equation between the viewers and the viewed.


maquette d'une chambre froide scénographie brouillard louis

Detail of a model of Ma Chambre froide (2011) by the company Louis Brouillard, ©ENSAPM/Studio Des Univers scénographiques

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