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The School at the Studyrama Fair

Art School Fair

January 20, 10am - 5.30pm

Porte de Champerret Espace Champerret stand A54

On Saturday, January 20, the School presents its courses at the Studyrama exhibition in Paris (Porte de Champerret). Everything you need to know about the Foundation Course that prepares students for the competitive entrance exams to fine art schools, applied art schools and architecture schools, the five-year diploma in interior architecture-object design, the procedures for the entrance exams in Years 1 to 4 and the Equal Opportunities grants.

Online registration for the entrance exam from January 9, 2018 HERE.

Espace Champerret – Porte de Champerret – stand A54

Orientation non prise en charge

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veuillez tourner votre appareil en mode portrait.